Why Kids Can’t Write

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When your daughter gets to college, will she be able to write high quality papers… or will she need remedial writing help like so many students? Will your son’s employer be impressed with or embarrassed by his correspondence with customers?

Judging by their recent ACT and SAT essays, students just don’t write well. Why are our K-12 schools turning out so many bad writers? A big reason is that teachers lack training in how to teach good writing.

The article entitled “Why Kids Can’t Write,” points out that teachers are usually very good readers after their years of college studies, but many possess weak writing skills and/or low confidence in their ability to teach writing. Those who teach only the traditional rules of grammar and punctuation usually turn out students with modest writing skills. On the other hand, when teachers are trained to combine the traditional approaches along with demonstrating more creative, free flowing writing styles, their students become more successful writers.

At Dogwood, our English language arts experts work one-on-one to help students in grades 4-12 become better writers. Using a combination of teaching methods tailored for each student’s needs, we show them how to organize their ideas into clear, effective essays, papers and correspondence. These are skills that will last a lifetime.

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